Chasing 100 Club Podcast

Join us as we chase 100 goals!

Category: Uncategorized

  • Episode 1: Chasing Dopamine

    Summary Are you ready to learn how to make dopamine your ally in achieving your goals? Join Mercedes and Telanna in this episode as they delve into the fascinating world of dopamine, the powerful neurotransmitter that impacts everything from pleasure to kidney functioning. Discover why dopamine is important, how it works, and how you can…

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  • Welcome to the Chasing 100 Club

    Summary Welcome to the Chasing 100 club, the podcast that takes you on a journey with a mother and daughter duo as they chase their biggest dreams and aspirations. With 100 goals to conquer, each episode is filled with inspiration, motivation, and actionable steps to help you chase your own dreams too. Join us, a…

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